The jaundice of very low birth weight infants 极低出生体重儿黄疸
Analysis of clinical management of nine very low birth weight newborns 新生儿低出生体重危险因素分析
Content and type of community nursing of very low birth weight infant 极低体重新生儿社区护理内容和形式的探讨
Therapeutic effects of iron on anemia of prematurity in very low birth weight infants 铁剂在极低出生体重早产儿贫血治疗的意义
Morbidity and preventive medication on hypocalcemia and vitamine k deficiency in very low birth weight infants 缺乏症发生及预防投药量的探讨
Conclusions young adults with a very low birth weight have higher indexes of insulin resistance and glucose intolerance and higher blood pressure than those born at term 结论:极低体重出生的年轻成年人对比那些足月出生的人,有较高的胰岛素抵抗指数,葡萄糖耐受不良和较高的血压。